Talent Path - Week 7

Talent Path Pipeline

  • Monday

    • Created and added our user stories to our client side issue board.
  • Tuesday

    • Created user stories for our backend (server).
    • Gathering content for our dummy data course (Web Developer Track)
  • Wednesday

    • Define what data we are going to need for our database. Start database design
  • Thursday

    • Refine our database
  • Friday

    • Presentation and Feedback Day!

What I learned

  • Learned to properly diagram out our database before starting to implement it.
  • Had a day of self learning, taking a Node course from Wes Bos
  • Implemented testing functions using Jest on a command line Hangman game.
  • We had a client visitor who gave extremely good constructive feedback on our presentation skills and one of our cohort applications.

What was difficult

Learning how to manage a team to success. I am the product owner of the Talent Path Pipeline project, and having everyone expect something from you can be overwhelming at times but it's great experience to learn for my future career. Especially if I want to become a PM.

What was effective about both your personal and group's work flow

What was effective about my personal workflow was being organized and prepared to help my team be successful in their tasks. My groups workflow was great, this week I was proud that I was able to give tasks and they were able to accomplish them in a timely manner.

A photo from our client (Michael Santiago) who came from Beckman Coultier